A performance-driven employee reward strategy




This means:

  • Tailoring remuneration and incentives to your strategy, culture and operating model, and the wider employment landscape including job evaluation.
  • Creating models to ensure outcomes are defensible; this means making sure you have a job evaluation strategy that can be tested against a wide range of performance outcomes. The plans we design will take into account the market context, affordability and the expectations of shareholders, regulators and other stakeholders.

The plans we design will take into account the market context, affordability and the expectations of shareholders, regulators and other stakeholders.

How Mercer can enhance your employee rewards offering

Are you paying too much — or too little — for emerging jobs and skills? Are other companies offering incentives or programs you don’t have? Our benchmark database 使用最准确和最新的市场数据实践来评估和建立有竞争力的薪酬. With Mercer’s job evaluation tools, 您可以访问相关的市场数据,帮助您校准不同国家和行业的薪酬水平.

We can solve your most pressing employee reward with our Packaged Workforce Reward Consulting Solutions.

Our Packaged Workforce Reward Consulting Solutions are built on Mercer’s HR consulting heritage, delivering best practice design combined with practical tools. 我们的解决方案为在最受关注的领域实现更有效的人力资源和员工奖励管理奠定了基础, including:

  • Grading and pay management
  • Sales compensation
  • Company cars
  • Gender pay reporting and equal pay
  • Job evaluation
  • Compensation, data, insights and research

    Mercer compensation, 福利和劳动力度量解决方案提供跨各种关键功能的当前和相关数据, industries, organisations and sectors.
  • Executive compensation

    美世的高管薪酬顾问帮助企业设计与绩效挂钩的薪酬政策和激励计划, defensible to external stakeholders, linked to wider reward strategy and designed to drive future performance.
  • Compelling Employee Value Proposition

    加强你的员工价值主张,激发更高层次的积极性, 生产力和工作场所满意度与重新定义的总奖励策略,超越了优化的薪酬和福利.
  • Job and career architecture

  • Job evaluation (IPE)

  • Packaged workforce rewards consulting solutions

  • Pay equity and transparency

    在大量的企业和工作中比较工资和福利,这样你就能确保你的吸引力, retain and engage the right talent.
  • Reward strategy

    What does ‘reward’ mean to your unique employee population? 美世可以帮助你找到并建立一个有效的员工奖励计划.
  • Talent All Access Platform (TAAP)

    Knowledge is powerful. Time is limited. 人才全访问为您提供了快速查找和易于消化的内容.

Our background - our employee reward expertise

Mercer acquired Kepler associates in 2015. 这使我们能够将开普勒的高管薪酬专业知识与我们的全球能力相结合.

This means:

  • 我们可以专注于提供高质量的量身定制和独立的薪酬建议.
  • 我们可以深入了解每个客户的业务,并帮助确保他们的奖励策略支持业务需求并加强成功.
  • 选择美世的公司将高管和员工职业发展的薪酬方式视为竞争优势的潜在来源.

我们是职业薪酬方面的专家,在激励设计方面拥有丰富的经验, performance measurement, target-setting, reward policy development, job evaluation, pay benchmarking, pensions and benefits and tax/accounting/legal issues.

We also offer strong support around career remuneration governance, pay disclosure, shareholder engagement and consultation, and implementation/communication support. 我们在帮助客户获得股东批准高管薪酬安排方面有着良好的记录.

Of course, companies evolve too, 因此,你需要一个员工奖励计划,让你适应并茁壮成长.

Mercer can:

  • 为你的公司确定最佳的奖励策略,或者在合并或收购后协调策略
  • 充分利用新的人力资源管理系统和设计良好的工作架构
  • Establish a career framework to support a more integrated talent platform
  • Implement base and incentive plans designed to meet your unique needs
  • 通过关注技能和授权员工拥有自己的职业生涯来释放组织能力
  • 进行薪酬公平研究,并制定计划来加强公司内部的薪酬公平

美世拥有广泛的数据库可供使用——这些数据库是国际性的,涵盖了英国上市公司的高管薪酬, 专业行业调查和来自我们调查范围的国际数据. 这将我们的建议建立在数据来源的基础上,并确保我们的客户有一个合理的薪酬策略.

我们还每天与国际同事合作开展联合项目,并拥有强大的, cohesive international team. We provide international executive compensation advice, which is sensitive to local markets, supports investor objectives and is based on the global group strategy.

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